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Alert: Do you have these 42 Apps, which belongs to China. If Yes, uninstall them immediately

In present generation, we depends on mobile apps for many functions.  In this process, we install too many apps without knowing about the security issues of those apps.  We simply install a app by seeing them in an advertisements, money earning, browsing, etc or automatically installation also while we trying to download a movie or a video from some browsers.

The Intelligence Bureau (IB) of India recently gave warning that some apps thefting personal information and data from smart mobiles while using their apps.  Especially severe theft from Chinese made 42 number of Android Applications (Apps) are using for the purpose of spying on India, which connected to Chinese servers.  I.B. also stated that, as per the reports, China is knowing the secrets, which belongs to Indian Defense system with the help of their Apps.  The Intelligence Bureau of India instructed to military force to uninstall these Apps immediately, which belongs to China.

The Intelligence Bureau of India identified harmful apps of China namely, WeChat, Truecaller, Weibo, UC Browser, UC News, etc 42 number of Apps are harmful to India.  Especially, these Apps are very dangerous when use these apps in Chinese made smart phones.

Tags: harmful apps, apps, dangerous, apps, chinese, apps, china

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