Los Vegas psycho killer Stephen Paddock details, it may stuns you

As per the news websites
and media channel’s stories, we are telling you the brief details about the Los
Vegas phycho killer.
We sadly listen
shocking news that 58 No.of innocent people murdered in the Music show at Las
Vegas by an psycho killer and attempted suicide after he shoot the people and
the Police find out him as dead body.
His name is now trending that is Stephen Paddock. But, why Paddock murdered innocent people? There are mind blank truths behind this man.
Stephen Paddock is
not a young guy he is about 64 years old aged man. He lived with an women which distance of 100
km approximately. He has been living in
Mandalay Bay Hotel from last month onwards.
He was worked as accountant and he is not a poor man in the context of
financial. We may not be opined that he
enjoyed life well but he lived normal after his retirement. He had Private Pilot license and Gun
license. Even though he had a gun
license, but he did not had any crime history in his past life. But, why he purchased guns and the team of
Police handed over 19 Guns from his room.
FBI could not understand that why he kept 19 number of Guns, which he
did not have a crime history. Major
guns, which FBI handed over are purchased during this year only and these guns
have necessary permission documents also.
But, the sound, which incident happen is not matching with these gun’s
sound and the officials opined that these are not capable for that incident. The officers also handed over the material of
ammonium nitrate and other bomb material.
Paddock shooted
himself after the incident happen. As
per the officials opinion, he was not a psycho patient in his past life, Paddock
is a Gambler he suffering loneliness.
Officers enquiring in the angle of this point, if he provoked with
mentally disturbed issues like loneliness and any other psychic diseases and
also find that Paddock was invested in Real Estate and got huge profits. He got married two times, first marriage in
1977 and after the divorce with first wife and then he married in 1985 year and
again he divorced with his second wife also, which she presently living in
California. He not have children.
Another terrific
comment is that ISIS made comment on this issue that, Paddock is belongs to
them. But, the officers find out that,
there is no relationship between terrorist companies and Paddock. The neighbors told to the officers that, he
behave like lonely man with moody dullness, which he never talks with
anybody. They could not believe that the
shooting incident done by him.
In the inquiry, a
truth find out that, Paddock’s father Benzmen Paddock was robbed Bank once upon
a time and also he suffered from a psychic disease. Then the inquiry doing in an angle of if he
influenced with his family sad incidents or any psychic diseases. It will take some time for knowing what actually
happen at Las Vegas sad incident.
Whatever it may
be, many incidents happen like Las Vegas incident, as the youth, elders and
anybody can easily owned a Gun in America like general item without inquiring
proper conditions of the candidates health, if the candidate really eligible to
own the Gun or not, if the candidate had any psychic disease or not. In future many more crimes ma happen like Las
Vegas incident without control of Gun culture in America.
Tags: Stephen
Paddock, Los vegas, shooting, firing, 58 persons, kill, huge, murder, America,
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