Alert: Petrol rates might be hiked by 300/-, if that happens

The market analysts estimating that the Petrol rates may
hike up to Rs. 300/- per liter, due to the affect of changes will happen in International
situations. The relationships between crude
oil having countries to other countries like America, etc Brittan countries are
not fair presently.
The crude oil rates in India are suffering to common man a
lot now itself. If any unwanted situations
comes place in between the gulf countries and American countries will results the
rates of crude oil will be hiked definitely.
Presently the diesel and petrol rates are already nearer to
Rs. 100/- er liter now. The rates of petrol
and diesel are already high in India, when compared to other countries. If the war will happens between American countries
with oil banked countries, the international rate of crude oil will definitely hike.
It will results hike in rates of petrol and diesel in India also.
This prediction of Petrol and Diesel rates in coming days makes worrying the common man.
Tags: crude oil, rate, petrol, diesel, india, hike, increase, 2018, prediction.
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