What’s the Objective of GES (Global Entrepreneurship Summit) 2017? What’s the role of Ivanka in GES 2017?

So many specialties are there for
GES (Global Entrepreneurship Summit) 2017, which is going on in Hyderabad from
today (28th November, 2017).
Let’s see those are..
None of the Men representatives
for GES 2017, all the representatives from 10 countries are women only. This Summit is aimed to organizing for Women
Entrepreneurs only.
This GES (Global Entrepreneurship
Summit) is the first summit, which organizing in South Asia for the first time,
except America.
Approximately 1600 numbers of
representatives are attending from all over world to GES 2017. The main attraction to this GES 2017 is none
other than Ivanka Trump (Daughter of Donald Trump) is attending this Summit.

The organizers expecting that,
the Women Entrepreneurs might be obtain lots of benefits, by which Ivanka Trump
participating this Summit. As, Ivanka
Trump much gives importance for women empowerment world wise irrespective of
In this regard, the Government of
Telangana had taken all the necessary actions to avoid uncomfortable situation
to the delegates, who attending for GES 2017.
Hyderabad town is going to host the GES 2017 summit for 3 days from
today onwards in a grand way as never before in the history of Telugu States.

The inaugural session of GES 2017
will starts by Ivanka Trump and Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India. All the delegates from over 10 countries of worldwide
attending to this Summit are women only, even from the countries like like Afganistan,
Soudi Arabia, Ijrael, who restricts women also deputing women delegates only to
this summit for the reason of the Summit aimed for Women Entrepreneurship Development

A never before 52.5% of women delegates
are attending to this Summit for the first time in the history. 5% of women are in the age group of below 30 years
only among all the delegates. The age group
of the participants from 13 years to 84 years are also participating in this Summit.
The GES summits have been organizing
since 2010 year only. The maximum of GES
summits were organized previously in America only. This is the first Summit in South Asia, which is
going on GES 2017 Summit in Hyderabad. Mr.
Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India and Ms. Ivanka Trump, Chief Advisor to the
President of America and Daughter of Mr. Donald Trump, Mr. Kalvakuntla Chandrashekara
Rao, Chief Minister of Telangana are going to inaugurate GES 2017 by 4.00 PM at
HICC in Hyderabad, where the Central Ministers Sushma Swaraj and Nirmala Sitharaman
are also participating in this event today. The Summit is going to organize for 3 days from
today in Hyderabad.
Main Objective of the GES 2017 is
to discuss on the opportunities in different countries for Women Entrepreneurs and
Women Empowerment. The plenary session of
the GES 2017 will start with the discussion on opportunities in different countries
for Women Entrepreneurs.
This summit will be fetch to Telangana Government to organize huge prestigious international summit without scope to any anti social elements and protecting delegates, treating them respective manner.
Tags: ivanka, trump, ges 2017, summit, hyderabad, tour, highlights, photos, images, pics.
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