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Bitcoin investors must read this

We know about Bitcoin, recently Indian Government has warned about Bitcoin to the investors that, there is no surety on trading in the form of Bitcoin and relevant virtual currency by the investors, who have attraction and passion on Bitcoin and relevant virtual currency trading.

The Government also specified that, the rate of Bitcoin is depending on speculations will be resulted to vary the value of Bitcoin.  The Govt. also expressed their worry about the investors attracting to trade in Bitcoin, virtual currency, as there is much high risk to loss the investor’s income, due to heavy fluctuations may be happens in the investments of Bitcoins and virtual currency.  So, the investors, who want to trade in the form of Bitcoins and virtual currency must be take care of themselves only.

The Government also warned the investors that, the investors, who trade in the digital, electronic format currency may loss their whole currency permanently at any time due to hacking and also may loss their user details and password through malware attacks on their accounts.  

The central Ministry of Economy is now making arrangements along with with RBI (Reserve Bank of India) and SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) for establishing the necessary mechanism to protect the investors of digital, electronic format currency.

Tags: bitcoin, bitcoin risks, digital currency, electronic currency, digital, electronic, investment, investers, trade, trading, guidance, government warning, govt rules about bitcoin, disadvantages of bitcoin, bitcoin disadvantages, advantages.

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