Donald Trump got shocked by Times Magazine's “Person of the Year 2017”, as America's enimy name also placed in the list

President of America Mr. Donald Trump tweeted earlier that, he may be the
“Person of the Year” of Times Magazine again this year also. But, Times authorities condemned that tweets
and they said it will be announced in a couple of weeks.
It knows that North Korea President Kim Jong also placed in the list of
Times magazine’s “Person of the Year” race for this year honor. This is really shock to Mr. Donald Trump,
President of America, we know that Kim Jong made many actions of exasperation
to America, naturally Donald Trump reacted angry on all those Kim Jong’s acts,
which against America. The Times “Person
of the Year” list have placed Kim Jong is really gets shock to Donald Trump.
Times Magazine finalized 10 number of people and organizations to select
“Person of the Year” award for this year.
In this list North Korea President Kim Jong Un also placed along with
America President Donald Trump, Foot Ball Player Kolin Kypernic, Special
Council Robert Muller. We know that, Kim
Jong have been made 23 number of Ballistic missiles experiments during this year
The person or organization, who circulated maximum of news around globe on either
good or bad may be considered by Times Magazine for “Person of the Year” award.

Finally, the Times Magazine smashed all the rumors on the award today itself by selected a Group of women, who agitated with tag of “#MeToo” for “Person of the Year 2017” award. The Times Magazine published the group of women as “The Silence Breakers”, who got popular around the globe with tag line of #MeToo. The women move forward a revolution on sexual harassments and abuse in America by breaking
silence of women, celebrities and many of celebrity women, who faced sexual harassments by men in their fields of past and present life to tell to the society about those

Edward Felsenthal, Editor-in-Chief of Times Magazine announced on NBC’s Today show on Wednesday “the galvanizing actions of the women on our cover” he said. The cover page featured with the women including actress Ashley Judd, singer Taylor Swift, former Uber engineer Susan Fowler, Visa lobbyist Adama lwu, Mexican Agricultural worker Isabel Pascual and one woman whose face cannot be seen.
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