2G Spectrum Scam Case Judgment: Is this the failure of CBI and ED?? Who are Happy? Who Unhappy??

The Patiala Court judgment
makes fools to the public as well as Central Bauru of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement
Directorate (ED) also with the past 10 years pending 2G Spectrum Scam case judgment.
The CBI and ED expressed their unhappiness
about the Patiala House Court of New Delhi, which given judgment as “none of the
offender cannot be punished without proper evidences in 2G Spectrum Scam” today
On the other side,
the offenders A. Raja, Kanimoli (daughter of Tamil Nadu Ex-Chief Minister and founder
of DMK Karunanidi) are expressed very happy for proving themselves as exculpatory
from the case of 2G Spectrum Scam, which Rs. 1.76 lakhs of crores. The DMK Party activists and party leaders are very
happy, as the remark on their party is now erased with this judgment at crucial
RK Nagar Elections time. Moreover, the leaders
of National Congress Party, which ruled the UPA-2 Government are also expressing
their happiness about the judgment, as the miserable remark on their Government
was now erased with the Patiala House Court’s sensational judgment.
The Central Bauru of
Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) were filed the case based on
the report of CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General) Report, which was given to the
UPA 2 Government on the 2G Spectrum Scam, which amounted Rs. 1.76 lakhs of crores.
Mr. A. Raja, who was acted as Telecommunication
Minister, Mrs. Kanimoli, Member of Rajya Sabha, etc of 14 members were taken under
custody as offenders and released on conditional bail. After long time of 10 years enquiry, the Patiala
House Court of Delhi delivered its judgment as “none of the offenders are cannot
be punished without suitable evidences”.
In this context, is CBI and ED failed to prove offenders? or any influences worked with political pressures we don't know, even common man opined with some analysis that, if CBI and ED not submitted suitable evidences to the court, but why the court taken 10 years of time to inquiry this case? and Why the CBI and ED booked the cases against the much popular political personalities without proper evidence we don't know. But, this judgment makes public fools only. This is situation of
the Judicial System in the India. The criminals
can escape without punishment and the innocents may be punished.
Tags: 2g spectrum, case, judgment, tamil nadu, dmk, kanimoli, karunanidi, stallin, a.raja, upa, govt, scam
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