Sexual Abuse and Physical Violation allegations facing by another Hollywood veteran Actor Dustin Hoffman

We know that the Hollywood film
industry got upset by the shamelessness sexual harassments of producer Harvey
Weinstein, who bring the issue to the public by some women celebrities with the
inspiration of #MeToo agitation. Now
another veteran Actor of Hollywood came into the news, who facing sexual
harassment allegations on him.
Hollywood actress Katherin Roster
made allegations on veteran actor Dustin Hoffman as he harassed her sexually. She was acted as female lead with him in “Death
of a Saleman” movie. She shared her
sexual harassment incidents with a newspaper in an interview as she was
experienced sexual harassment by Dustin Hoffman when she was acted with him in
a movie. Once up on a time he attended to a programme
in Chicago with his wife, which Katherin Roster also attended to that programme
and at that time he behaved with her, harassed sexually, she shared to a
newspaper authorizes.
This is not first time
allegations of sexual harassments on the veteran actor but also, the similar
allegations made by Merile Streve (in the year 1979), Wendi Rice (in the year 1991)
and recently Anna Graham Hunter also made similar allegations on him.
But, Hoffman condemning that, “the
allegations, which they expressing was happen 30 years ago and all the
allegations are not worthy and not having any truth in that allegations”. “I treated all the women, who are making allegations
on me like own family members, that’s why I behave with them as close as much,
but they misunderstood his nature” he explained.
Tags: sexual harassment, actress,
women, Hollywood, hero, veteran, heroine, sensational, controversy.
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