She was Kashmir activist against India and now what she became is Unbelievable

Afsana Ashiq a Kashmir citizen, who was the activist to protest against Indian
army in Kashmir for the freedom of Kashmir by supporting to terrorist provoked groups
is now became Captain for Food Ball game of Kashmir State. She participated in stone throwing activity to
protest against Indian military force in Kashmir the photos of these activities
of Afsana became viral around social media.
While searching about that girl some articles on Afsana come in to the picture
as she is a well versed player in Foot Ball game, she became activist in Kashmir
due to the indiscrimination on girls in the category of sports. The Central Home Minister Mr. Rajnath Singh pointed
out and observed the girl and instructed to the Chief Minister of Kashmir State
Mr. Mahbuba Mufti to meet the girl himself immediately and listen about her problem
to resolve the problems and encourage the girl in to sports category. Then the
Chief Minister approached the girl immediately, listened the problems raised by
Afsana, then the Chief Minister provided necessary requirements to encourage girls
in the category of sports.

With the encouragement of Indian Government and State Government of Kashmir,
Afsana become State Captain of Kashmir State in the Foot Ball now. She shared some interesting facts about her, she
expressed that, “I was participated in protest stone throwing activities as against
Indian Army in Kashmir with the provocation of some anti social elements, I feeling
now that was the unfortunate time to me and I should not did that actually” she
felt shame about her past activity against Indian Military force in Kashmir.
Afsana also shared her opinion that, “to became sport personality and to became
as Captain of State Foot Ball, I got inspiration from some Bollywood movies also,
which came on women empowerment in sports”. She is now supervising Indian Women League team
as Women Foot Ball Captain of Kashmir and she aimed to push my team in the way of
effective progress.
This is treated as the grate success story of Indian Government to bring out
a anti activist to actual society and encourage them in their favourite fields to
discourage anti social elements in India.
Tags: kashmir activist, foot ball, afsana, ashique, state, captain, kashmir
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