Rama Sethu: Now proven as "True" by American Science Channel

Since many years, there are many divide opinions on the “Ramayana” between Hindu devotees,
religion people and infidel, scientific believers. Many infidel people has been saying that, “Ramayana”
is a fictitious story, which wrote by Hindu regions and believing that as really happen
on earth before “Kaliyuga”, this version of people has been increasing in India
also from Scientists to infidel people. Tamil
Nadu Ex-Chief Minister Karunanidhi opined like that many times as “Ramayana”, which
strongly believing by Hindu religion people is a fictitious story and there are no
scientific evidence about “Rama Sethu”, which Hindu religion people strongly believing
that Lord Ramachandra constructed that Bridge (Rama Sethu) with the team of Hanuma
in the ocean from Tamil Nadu (Rmeshwaram) to Sri Lanka (Mannar).
Now the Scientific evidences provided by American Science Channel after a depth
research about Rama Sethu and the authorities declared that the “Ramayana” and “Rama
Sethu” are 100% truth and its actually happen past thousands of years. The American Scientific Channel, which belongs
to Discovery Communications was broadcasted a story about “Ramayana” and “Rama Sethu”
in India after their depth research on it.

The “Rama Sethu” was constructed by Lord Ramachandra to reach Sri Lanka for
bring back his wife “Sitha Devi”, who abducted by “Ravana Brahma” (Lord of Sri Lanka)
with the special stones (Lime Stones), which can be placed on top of the water.
“Rama Sethu” is situated in between Bharat
– Sri Lanka.

The American Science Channel done its research on “Rama Sethu” up to 30 miles
of distance from Tamil Nadu in to ocean, which the “Rama Sethu” situated. The Channel opined that the believes of Hindu religions
are proven truth about “Ramayana” and “Rama Sethu” by their conclusion.
Tags: ramasethu, ramasetu, rama setu, ramasethu, tamilnadu, tamil nadu, sri lanka, srilanka, ramayana
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