Youtube most popular videos in the year 2017

Do you know about most popular videos in Youtube? Recently Youtube released the list of most popular
videos among the Youtube videos during the year 2017. Youtube finalized the list of these videos based
on number of views, shares, comments and likes recorded by concerned videos.
We listed top three among most popular videos of Youtube 2017:
“The Mask Singer” video placed in number 1 position among the most popular videos
A video song titled as “Until we will become Dust”, which belongs to Thailand
has been placed number one viral video in the year 2017. This video recorded above 182 million views in
the year.
Another top most populared video is a Spoof video on American President Donald
Trump’s Inauguration “Bad Lip Reading” is also placed among top trending videos
in youtube during the year 2017. This video
achieved 35 million above views, above 5.27 lakhs of likes and above 27 thousand
of comments
As well as, American Pop Star lady gaga bowl Lee, 12 years artist ventriloquism
song in “America Got Talent Show” and two children video in which created sensation
in BBC Live Show videos are placed in Top 10 most popular videos list of Youtube
in this year i.e. 2017.
Tags: youtube, youtube top category videos, youtube top videos, youtube top
videos for earning of money, youtube most viewed videos, youtube most popular videos
2017, shows, spoofs, spoof, youtube most viral video, youtube most trending video.
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