Times “Person of the Year 2017”: #MeToo women overtaken Donald Trump and Kim Jong. Let's know the details

After lots of speculations on Times Magazine’s “Person of the Year 2017” from
tweets of American President Donald Trump to yesterday’s update that Kim Jong may
be the winner of that award. But, the Times
authorizes surprisingly announced “Person of the Year 2017” award to #MeToo, which organization running by women.
Now, it’s official the Times Magazine’s “Person of the Year” award for the year
2017 winners are a Group of women, who agitating on the name of “#MeToo”. The women, who are experienced sexual harassments
from Hollywood producer Harley Weinstien are won the Award.
The team of women expressed, which they faced of sexual harassments by Hollywood
Producer with the tag of #MeToo and they succeeded in making of their expressions
viral through social media and electronic media to give the dare to other women
to “Break the Silence” on sexual harassments. The Times Magazine published their success story
those women on the name of “The Silence Breakers” and the cover page featured with
these women, who played key role to run this agitation in to progress.
The cover page featured with the group of women who run the agitation with the
tag of “#MeToo” including actress Ashley Judd, singer Taylor Swift, former Uber
engineer Susan Fowler, Visa lobbyist Adama lwu, Mexican Agricultural worker
Isabel Pascual and one woman whose face cannot be seen.
Tags: times, magazine, times magazine, kim jong, north korea, shock, donald trump, person of the year, award, 2017, person of the year 2017, the silence breaker, america, silence breaker
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